1980s headbands, fluoro outfits: what 80s fashion to wear on a ski holiday?
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You have decided to go on an 1980s retro ski holiday, but what to wear? The 80s has such diverse fashion, so we will narrow it down to a more stable period of the decade. Imagine it is 1987 or 1988. From this picture below, which way would you dress? Left or right?

The correct answer is...
If you selected, the blue skier on the left you would probably be spotted as a big dag in the 80s or probably fairly normal in the 90s. However, the skier on right is the ultimate 80s fashion guru. So why is this?
1. Headband
The headband, like leg warmers, is another ultimate 1980s fashion item. It lasted most of the decade from Duran Duran at the start of the decade, right through to the end. This one is special because it is a replicatant of the Japanese Kamakaze head bands.
2. Cats Eye Mirror Glasses
Not just your regular mirror glasses, but these are 'Cats Eyes'. Mirror glasses were hard to wear because they were often too dark. In addition, your eyes dilated too far and often caught too much stray radiation. To solve these problems, the tinting was reduced at the center and they looked like cat's eyes.
3. Fluoro Suit
Perfect colour combination -pastels are too 'early 80s' to wear. Instead it is best to wear this yellow, red and green-ish suit. None of the colours should be too primary or dark, but this is the right combination.
What about evening wear?
After a hard day's skiing the next problem arises: what to wear with that late 80s fashion feel? Fluoro is fine on the ski fields, but it is 'so out' to wear fluoro or your ski suit at night. You will probably need to ditch the headband and sunglasses too. Since you will be skiing, it is safe to assume that it will be cold and you will need something warm. Around the world people call these woollen tops, jumpers, pullovers or sweaters. But even with so many terms, not one of them seems to probably describe these lovely garments...